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В Токио свежо и жарко,яркое солнце как всегда напекает всем головы,ветра нет,на небе не облочка.В йокагаме начинает проеснятся,дождя нет,но всё ещё сыро,на конец то появилось солнце,слабый ветерок.Полдень.

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Вы здесь » New Anime » Администрация » Modern building technologies

Modern building technologies

Сообщений 1 страница 2 из 2


According to Sideris, the greatest challenge to maintaining a safe jobsite is attitude. "Getting people to recognize the inherent risk of working on a construction site is a big part of what I have to do every day," he said. "It's easy to cut corners on safety. It's easy not to put on the reflector vest or harness, not put up the railing on the scaffolding. For the safety program to be a success we have to overcome that complacency.



Class A roof coverings are noncombustible like tile, metal, and slate. An example of a Class B roof covering is fire retardant-treated wood shingles. An example of an "unrated" roof covering is plain wood shingles. However, a Class B roof covering may receive a Class A rating if it is installed as part of a system that includes additional fire-resistive elements in the assembly. These four classes of roof coverings are incorporated into most building and some fire codes, and are usually noted on the manufacturersa?™ literature and materials labels.


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